Zappy Project - Epitech

Zappy Project

General Information

  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Team Size: 6 members
  • Year: Second year at Epitech
  • Objective: Develop a real-time multiplayer strategy game
  • Languages: C, C++, Python

Project Overview

During my second year at Epitech, I completed the Zappy project with five classmates. This project involves developing a real-time multiplayer strategy game, including the creation of a game server, AI-controlled clients, and a graphical interface. The server manages the game world, rules, and player actions, while the clients, programmed in C, interact with the server based on predefined strategies. The graphical interface, often developed using libraries like SDL or OpenGL, allows real-time visualization of the game's progress.

Zappy Details

This project presented various technical challenges, such as synchronizing actions between the server and clients, managing concurrency and threads, and implementing effective AI for the bots. We also had to design a smooth and responsive graphical interface to enhance the user experience. The complexity of the project enabled us to strengthen our skills in programming, software architecture, and problem-solving.

Working as a team on Zappy was a rewarding experience. We learned to collaborate effectively, manage the source code with Git, and communicate clearly and constructively to achieve our common goals. This project not only solidified our technical knowledge but also developed our project management and teamwork abilities, essential skills for our future professional careers.

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